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Road Network Automatization Problem

12-18-2013 06:42 AM
Emerging Contributor


I don't understand the "Automatization" feature on the road network drawing operations.

I'm drawing a road network like the real road intersection from ?stanbul. But I can not draw the road like real position, because the "Automatization" feature always has transformed my road network to another different position itself.

How can I cancel the "Automatization"?
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4 Replies
Deactivated User

Creating dynamic street shapes in CityEngine is only possible with the 'Dynamic City Layouts' - the tools that CityEngine provides. These tools are not as precise as engineering tools such as Civil3d, but are magnitudes faster to work with, of course with some lacking precision, especially in texturing.

In CityEngine 2013, we've done a lot of work in this regard, but still, approximating real world streets is almost impossible.

CityEngine is becoming rather a quick-to-use design tool rather than an engineering tool.

Though of course, we'll continue improving the street tools !!

==> Means the 'automatization' can not be deactivated.

ok ?

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Emerging Contributor
Hımm, This is bad.
Because when I want to present a web scene from the real world CAD or .GDB datas, "Import" the street lines feature class, the result is very complex and bad looking. And also, I can not edit some dynamic street drawing operations.

Is there any possibility or could be optional stuation Importing the street datas in near future;
Dynamic street creation and may be new tool like "Direct Import Road Data". (There is no any authomatic draw, connect, or snap operation; just like CAD)

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Deactivated User
Hi Güçlü,

A few inputs:

Sometimes, GIS data can be quite a bit messy and sometimes very dense, causing some issues. CityEngine 2013 has some new cleanup tools that deal with road data and cleaning them directly on import.

When the only 'realworld' data one has are street center lines, it's impossible to calculate from that the exact realworld situation since of course much important data is missing. So importing street center lines is already a very strong simplification.

Street data thus also never produces directly the 'proper' results due to the reasons in the last paragraph. Thus also, if you need to model some parts of your city quite precisely, you need to manually adapt the streets for specific looks.

CityEngine is a procedural modeling application, thus not designed for 'rapid' recreation of realworld scenarios, but rather 'geotypical cities', which of course can be based on realworld datasets. That's a fundamental thing to know.

If you need real world city models with the real textures and geometries, you'll need to use 3d scan / LIDAR data or use models derived from photogrammetry (stereo imaging) techniques ( e.g. ).

CityEngine was not designed as a precise engineering tool such as e.g. 'Civil3d', thus also it's functinality is limited. The strong side of CityEngine is that you can very rapidly create many design iterations and case studies. CityEngine will also be going more in that direction, development-wise, in future.

I'm not sure if you have seen these videos and played with the actual tutorial project files:

which show the workflows for CE2012, which are still valid for CE2013.

Please also consult
Help > Manual > Street Networks in it's entirety ( if you did not already ).

In case you have a specific dataset that causes you further issues, please send me a PM, then we can exchange our eMail addresses and have a closer look.

Ok ? :cool:

Have a nice day !

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Emerging Contributor
Thanks for your detailed answer Matt, 🙂

I understand that procedural modeling infrastructure of CityEngine but some datas that I've worked have very complex road network and I slog to prepare good looking 3D web scene.

I probably have watched these videos, I've watched lots of videos about that 🙂
But I 'll look into these videos again. I may have missed something.

Thanks again,
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