I am trying to automate a workflow where I import data from different file geodatabase in CityEngine and export the generated models. For that I am writing some python scripts, exploiting the CE() functions.
The geodatabases have various feature classes in them, and I would like to select which one(s) to import as one can do in the GUI but with python, e.g. with some parameter in the FGDBImportSettings. However, in the available commands I can't find the appropriate parameter to set the names of the feature classes to import. How can it be done?
Thank you in advance!
Best regards,
In the FGDBImportSettings you find the option:
- setDatasetFilter(self, datasetPaths)
- Set a list of dataset paths to include in the import.
If empty (= default), all valid datasets will be imported.
datasetPaths: List of case-sensitive dataset paths (using forward slash as delimiter),
e.g. ['/MyFeatureDatataset/Parcels'] .
This allows to filter for specific layers.
Thank you for your answer!
I was working on CE 2015.1, which apparently does not have this option. I checked in an instance of CE 2016.1 and I found it.
Thank you for your help and best regards,