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Publish to ArcGIS Server?

12-19-2012 09:03 AM
Regular Contributor
I am looking for a solution to publish 3d models to ArcGIS Server, not ArcGIS Online. From what I've briefly read about CityEngine on the ESRI Products page, "CityEngine scenes can be published directly on the web for sharing 3D models, analysis results, or design proposals with decision makers or the public", I would like to find out if CityEngine works in with ArcGIS Server?
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2 Replies
Deactivated User
Hi !

Here the answer of one of our WebViewer devs :

ArcGIS Server is not needed in order to share CityEngine Web Scenes. We recommend to share the Web Scene to ArcGIS Online in order to leverage the security and collaboration aspects of the site, as well as to easily reaching a global audience. However if those features are not required in your case the Web Scene can be shared using any web server by copying the Web Scene .3ws file into the web server public directory. Follow the instructions in the CityEngine help to learn how to do that.

There's a short instruction how to put the files on a custom server in the CityEngine manual.
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Regular Contributor
Awesome, Matthias. I'll look into it. Thanks!
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