I have some tutorials, examples and then my own scenes and I would love to save them in differnet disks, in particular I would love to have the examples in my content library which is backed up regularly but my tutorials (which I can download anytime) in my scratch folders that are backed up only once a month.
Furthermore, I would like to have my own scenes on my laptop local disk so I can carry on working on them when I am not plugged to my network.
When creating new folders within CE, click the "Advanced" button and pick the linked folder option.
I hope I understood well..
I created the linked folders already but what you suggests only takes care of new folders/projects?.
What about all the examples I have downloaded? I can see on the project properties the path to the disk, all fine... but I can't move it within CE and if I do manually via the filesystem how do I relink them?
After you add the new folder just drag the cej files in there, they open with no extra relinking required.
Thanks, got it...