Hi Matthias,
I am a new City Engine user (version 2012.1) and have the same problem Jason Balmut describes here. I am running the 64bit Advanced installation on a Windows 7 machine. ArcGIS 10.0 is installed on the same machine.
After right clicking in the navigator window it blocks for several minutes. It used to crash sometimes, but that does not seem to happen anymore. I looked for the hs_err file you described, but since it doesn't crash I don't have a very recent one. The file is too large to attach with this message, is there another way I could share this with you? It will be an older one and I am not sure whether it describes a crash due to right clicking in the navigator window. Hopefully it will be of use to you.
The blocking happens during all the three situations you have described.
Hopefully you can help me with this one!
Maud van Haeren