I am curious if I can use the scene from CE to import intro Lumion 3D for further editing.
Also, as I can see, intro Lumion3D you can import a single building per time ( in format .dae) but I am curious if there is a possibility to import an entire city ?
Ionut !
You can export all models (buildings, streets etc) into one Collada file. However the terrain is exported trough another route. Therefore you will need two separate exports (the WebScene Exporter is the only exporter that combines terrain and models). With the Python interface in CE Advanced you also could script the exports.
We have not tested our Collada export on the Collada importer of Lumion3D. Theoretically that should be no problem, but Collada is famous for its incompatibilities... Please let us know if you encounter any issues.
Well, I saw some videos about integration between City Engine and Lumion 3D or CE and Lumen RT and there is an entire city presented, so I am curious how did they uploaded the entire city? And in which format ?
Thanks !
The solutions is to export the scene as .fbx
Hi Ionut,
so you tried Collada .. what issues did you face ?
Matthias Buehler
Head of 3D Technologies
twitter: @MattB3D
Garsdale Design Limited
I tried collada and it didn`t worked, could not generate the models/scene. But after that I exported the scene as .fbx and it worked!!
Thanks !