When I import .dae models into a georeferenced cityengine scene they are placed at the origin. When importing kml models, they are offset. My scene is Geo-referenced already. How do I fix either, preferably the .dae imports?
I tried converting a (static) model to shapes but then it dissapears entirely. I have the same models in kml but they seem to come in with an offset, so also in the wrong place. I am using CityEngine 2015.2.
Also, how so you check the coordinate values of the model?
Sorry, not too experience with all of the above. Thanks for any help in advance..
Hello Lessie,
For georeferencing DAE Collada files, KML is the way to go. The geo reference is added by the KML <Location> tag.
It specifies the exact coordinates of the Model's origin in latitude, longitude, and altitude. Latitude and longitude measurements are standard lat-lon projection with WGS84 datum. Altitude is distance above the earth's surface, in meters, and is interpreted according to <altitudeMode> or <gx:altitudeMode>.
For further information please consult the KML documentation: Models | Keyhole Markup Language | Google Developers
On import to CityEngine the KML lat-lon WGS84 coordinates are projected to the scene's coordinate system.
To narrow it further down, could you please answer the following questions?
Hi Thomas,
Thanks for taking the time to help me. The kml models are of underground objects and when I tried looking at them with Google E. they are not visible, but when placing the push pins they seem to be on the right area. I am not using WGS1984 in my cityE. model so that explains their shift. The shift is consistent. How how do I change their projection within the cityengine? My scene is in epsg: 28992. I can't easily find a 'reproject' option. Alternatively, how do I assign a CRS to the .dae models? There are about 50 objects. Or, what else do you think I can I try.
Hi Lessie,
Thanks for the additional info. There have been some changes to the height conversion that do affect EPSG Projection 28992 - Amersfoort / RD New.