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Extrusion in CE 2012 does not work anymore

01-25-2013 04:29 AM
Emerging Contributor
Hi there,

I used my old pretty simple rule file for building extrusion based on an attribute field in a shapefile (called "height", field type Double), but the rule does not work anymore in CE 2012.
# inizialize attrs

attr height = 0

# please note : If the StartRule annotation is set, CityEngine automatically checks for Object Attibutes
# coming from GIS Data. If there exists one with the specific name, CE will point to it.

Lot -->
 extrude(world.y, height)

After generating, the building footprints are black, the shapes disappeared and nothing is extruded into the 3rd dimension (see attachment). I have chosen "object attribute with name 'height'" in the Attribute Connection Editor.
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3 Replies
Emerging Contributor
Also, I am not able to open my old cej files any more... and when I ty to import them, CE produces gigs of data rubbish always repeating the name of the project for hundreds of times so that I got a project folder with hundreds of subfolders which Windows refuses to delete because the filename is too long. Hmmm...
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Emerging Contributor
I finally could do the extrusion. Problem was that I added the field to the shapefile in ArcGIS after loading it into City Engine. I thought CE would update it after a restart, but it didn't. After removing the shapes and adding the shp again, I could finally access the attribute field and extrude.
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Deactivated User
Hi !

Yep, after loading the data in, you need to reassign the rules, then it works.

Glad you found the issue.

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