Extrude shapefile according to height attribute

02-29-2012 09:53 PM
New Contributor

I have imported a shapefile into CityEngin and need to extrude the buildings according to an existing height attribute in the shapefile. For example: If there are 3 buildings with height values of 30; 70; 20. Then the buildings have to be extruded according to each one's value.
Do I need to create an attribute which represents the height attribute for each specific shape? The height attribute is Building_height.

attr z = Building_height
Lot --> Shape extrude(z)

Do I need to define the shapefile in the rule code?

Any help will be greatly appreciated
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13 Replies
Occasional Contributor III

Convert it to float:

attr HEIGHT = ""
Lot -->

If you want to use a slider to adjust the height afterwards you can do this:

@Hidden #optional
attr HEIGHT = ""
attr myHEIGHT = float(HEIGHT)
Lot -->
New Contributor II

Thanx for reply.
But it doesn't want to take it either.
I've reloaded the rule, but nothing changed.
Would have been cool to convert attribute permanently. As a separate action. But I'm not good enough in CE to figure it ou

proof: Attribute Connection Editor

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Occasional Contributor III

You have to define it properly in the rule too, i. e. height ="", not height = 0, because then the rule assumes it's a float and won't connect to your str object attribute.

New Contributor II

Thanx a lot! Now it works perfectly)

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