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Exporting Web Scene - Share As option greyed out

04-30-2013 10:36 PM
Regular Contributor

I saw a couple of posts in the forum showing that there is a problem with the proxy server login. I am trying to use the share as option to package my web scene so that I can host it on my local server but the Share As button is greyed out in my case.

I know you can upload it to ArcGis Online but is there a manual way to package the .3ws files so that it can be hosted on our local server?

Was hoping someone would be able to guide me through this?

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Hi !

Proxy issues are a different thing than not being able to log on to ArcGIS online.

CE 2012 does not yet really feature proxy settings, CE 2013 will.

Are you on Windows ? If so, there's a connection test you can make with RMB-clicking on the little CE icon in the task bar menu, where you eject e.g. USB sticks ( don't know the name ).

Let me know ..

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