Export hanging on "Finalizing Export"

04-30-2013 09:12 AM
New Contributor
When I try to export a scene, the exporter sometimes infinitely hangs on "finalizing export."

This is a problem with a new building I've developed. It's meant to be very fully featured in terms of randomized
facade elements, attached models, texture variations etc.

The rule file has gotten very large. If I reduce it down in size by eliminating some of the facade elements and variations,
the export works. As I reintroduce things, eventually I'll reach a point in which the export starts hanging on "finalized
export" and it fails (I have to kill the CE process to get out of the program).

This suggests there is some kind of limit to how complex a rule can be if it is going to export successfully. Is this the
case? And if so, is there a way to test or know what that limit is?

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11 Replies
New Contributor
Hello Matt,
Thank you for your reply. Unfortunately there is no error message. The export is just hanging on «Shape/Model Export: Finalizing export�?�». Do you have any suggestions where I could find out more? Maybe there is a log file or something?

While I am running the export, I can not get to the Inspector, Log, Problems, and Console on the right. I have tried to cancel the export operation, but that does not seem to work. So I have to use the Windows Task Manager to shut down the program�?�

I assume that there is something wrong with my dataset. I have managed to export parts of it. And some parts export fine.
Is there a function in City Engine that checks the dataset for errors?

I do have some messages in the Log, Problems, and Console tabs to the right before the export.

In the Log it says:
java.vendor=Sun Microsystems Inc.
BootLoader constants: OS=win32, ARCH=x86_64, WS=win32, NL=no_NO
Command-line arguments:  -os win32 -ws win32 -arch x86_64 -data @noDefault
Wed Jan 08 17:48:47 CET 2014
The workspace exited with unsaved changes in the previous session; refreshing workspace to recover changes.
Error while rendering on unit org.corebounce.lib3d2.units.C3DBufferUnit, slot:SETUP - [main]

Under Problems there is one error. But this error is related to a shape that I managed to export.
There are also some items listed under Problems - Infos:
�?�Initial geometry �??Shape 1249�?? contained: 4 0-area faces (removed);�?�.
But some of these are shapes that I did manage to export...

Do you have any suggestions on how to get to the bottom of this?
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Frequent Contributor

There's the CityEngine log ( Window > Show Log ), that's output to :

Otherwise, there's some export logs that are produced and put in the same export directory as the exported files, so usually the 'models' folder.

Since it could be 'anything', you need to track things down logically:
- layer after layer
- binary search: when a layer does not export fully, export half the shapes. if it works, the issue is in the other half.. and so on until you find the issue.

It may also depend on the data and file format you export to. Are you using GIS data ?
If so, did you try to use the 'cleanupGeometry()' operation right as the first operation on the shapes ? That sometime helps with weirdly digitized shapes or such.

Let me know..

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