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Error: Data is located too far from current scene's contents

03-25-2013 07:21 AM
Emerging Contributor
Hi all,

I have been experiencing this problem repeatedly. I am trying to import some models (both "homemade" and from the 3D warehouse), GIS vector data (building footprints, roads, etc), and GIS raster layers (elevation and imagery). I have tried .tif, .png, and .bmp and also have run the "Export Raster World File" tool on them. Everything is in the correct UTM zone in ArcMap, but it seems there is an issue reading in the coordinates in CityEngine.

Has anyone experienced this and have any tips?

Thank you
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7 Replies
Deactivated User
Hi Daniel,

This error mentions that you have 2 different pieces of data very far away from each other. E.g. you already have a bit of stuff near the cartesian origin. This is not supported.

Make sure ALL your data is georeferenced and sits at the exact right place. Best is to use all data with the same projection.

An other, more rare, case is that if your data is bigger than ~ 13km in diameter, that warning will also come up. This warning tries to prevent precision issues. [[If you have bigger datasets, you may want to use a different workflow with Python scripting.]]

Ok ?

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Deactivated User
There has to be a trick with this, my data is clearly data georeferenced. Also will not import as a static model. Can you work out another step by step importing from the warehouse.
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Deactivated User
Hi ..

GDB and SHP files will always create shapes when imported ( shapes or street center lines or little point shapes for point data )

They're not imported as Static Models. Static Models are already finished 3d Models which are just placed in the scene for visual reference, but usually are not refined any more, but just exported with the rest of the geo which is produced procedurally.

Maybe PM me your mail address, then send me your data. This may be easier.

Ok ?

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Emerging Contributor
Im having some problems with this as well. The model I'm trying to import to my scene is georeferenced in sketchup, so it should be correct. Anyway, I'm also trying to drag and drop it into the scene (which is the procedure cityengine suggests) but it doesnt work either, it gives the same error message. The model to be imported is just a couple of boxes (no lonely vertexes etc somewhere far from the boxes) and it shows correctly in the navigator preview window. The scene in cityengine is some 6 x 12 km.

Any suggestions? Especially regards how to make the drag&drop option work.

edit: might've spotted the problem, in the original scene theres some crap far from the rest of the stuff meaning the scene is much much larger than 6 x 12 km, I´ll try to clean it up and see if it helps.

edit2: yep, fixed..
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Deactivated User
Hi Jussi,

How did you manage to find the data that was located far away from your stuff?  I have been trying to figure this out for days now and I'm still not having any luck?

Any suggestions?

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Emerging Contributor
Hello Preston,

I guess I just zoom extends alled the cityengine scene. Try that?

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Deactivated User

I finally figured it out.  I made the DEM into a TIFF and brought that in and it worked perfectly.  Had to have the world file in the same folder as the TIFF.  Thanks for the help.

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