Are there CGA rules for the grow streets methods? I assume I can just make an entirely new CGA or python script to generate a city, but its a little much. I would like to just modify the rules that already exist within the grow streets method, or use it as a template. For example, I wanted to make a rectangular city and when changing the parameters for long and short streets to be constant, it still would skip some connections. Or Instead of random angles I want it to follow a specific angle over time, etc. When I run the grow streets, I only see 4 settings under Layer Attributes and can't find any other scripts. I am really looking for a template for my own grow streets feature, but just to explain the issue with the rectangles I also attached an image showing the problem.
No, sorry, there is no CGA code for Grow Streets. While you might be able to get CGA to generate models that look similar to streets, blocks, and lots (which can then be converted to shapes), it's not possible for CGA to generate Street Networks as Grow Streets does. Grow Streets generates graph networks on top of which dynamic shapes can be automatically created.