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CityEngine repair problems

12-04-2013 01:04 AM
New Contributor
So I've recently updated my laptop from Windows 8 tot 8.1 and this caused a problem with CityEngine. Upon starting the program it gave me this screen:
When I opened my administrator it told me that my license had become 'untrusted' which could be a result of the software update. So I ran the repair screen and the administrator told me that my license was once again authorized. However CityEngine still gives the same error message.

I already tried a clean install which turned up to be a dead end. I really need this program to work as I need it for my internship that I'm currently doing.

Is there a fix for this?
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9 Replies
Esri Contributor
Hi Barnie

I would recomment to contact your local support - but: short look into system req´s shows that CE 2012.1 is currently not supported on Windows 8.1. So TechSupport could fall back to that statement "not supported on that OS"...

What kind of license do you use? SU? CU? Or an EVA?
Did you try to de-authorize your license?
(Coming from the ArcGIS side I would guess "not possible" - that would be true for ArcGIS anyway.)

Well, an installation is not "updating" the license info - what does your esriLicense.config file show? Found within your User Profile, on Windows 8.1 should be that destination: C:/users/[USER]

Anyhow, I would try to get Tech Support working on it - if your license is stuck they can take further actions.

Esri Germany Technical Support
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Emerging Contributor
I am having the same problem.
but I had no idea it was due to the upgrade win8 to 8.1 until I read this post. I also updated recently!

Anna, my config file says:


is this info helpful?

thank you for your support
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Esri Contributor
Good morning Eduardo,

your config file looks fine - it´s a Single Use Advanced 🙂 (Still question remains: do you use a trial (EVA) or a commercial (ESU) license? Dependent of that info it´s easier to consider the next steps.)
The fourth line we can ignore - that´s essential when you are using floating licenses coming from a license server...

What does your ArcGIS Adminsitrator say? Do you have the same trouble like Barnie to repair your license, meaning the repair function is not working correctly?
Do you run CityEngine 2012.1 as a stand-alone installation or side-by-side with ArcGIS 10.x? If ArcGIS, which version?

Please note:
I don´t have a Windows 8.1 machine so I don´t have practical "hands on" experience with that configuration...

Again I recommend to contact your local TechSupport as well.

Esri Germany Technical Support
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Emerging Contributor
I have a commercial license (provided to me by my university).
I also have ArcGIS 10.2 installed.
that works fine.

I got the repair request from CE, which I did in the Admin. now the Admin does not show the option to repair anymore, but CE still complaints.

It feels like an incompatibility with 8.1.

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Esri Contributor
Hi Eduardo

allright, it sounds like a compatibility issue - as I said (currently) I can just provide theoretical knowledge in that matter CE 2012.1 on Windows 8.1.
--> great that ArcGIS 10.2 is working on your machine as it is not offically supported by sysreq.

Well, due that your commercial license is stuck I strongly recommend to contact Esri TechSupport via your university account. Further actions are needed to untangle your situation and these steps need to be taken with your TechSupport. Remotely I cannot help out further....

Esri Germany Technical Support
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Emerging Contributor
Hello Barnie, Eduardo and Anna,

Some weeks ago i got a City Engine licence at the National GI Minor at the VU University Amsterdam, but i could not get it to work, getting a different error message, which might be related to the same problem you are experiencing on your W8.1 machines. I do not know wether i will need CE in my research assignment at the SPINlab in januari, however it would just be nice to have the software running.

I'll start at the beginning of the story of the errors:
* My machine is a laptop which i bought with the following specs:
   Windows 7 64bit, Intel core i3 processor (M330), Ati Radeon Mobility HD5000, 4GB DDR3 RAM And not unimportant either: i'm the admin on  this machine.
* Then about a year ago i got a year's licence for ArcGIS (and catalog and all; which will end in februari or something) which has been and is still working fine.
* Now i have upgraded my laptop from windows 7 to 8 several months ago and about a month ago, just before i tried installing CE i upgraded to 8.1. ArcGIS is still working fine all this time.
* However when i tried running CE 2012 it gave the error message which is in the screenshot in the attatchment "RunCityEngine2012"   while the administration/licence managing programme says that the licence has been approved. Reinstalling CE did not help solve the problem and trying to run it in compatability mode did result in the absence of error messages, but just chrashed the software right at the moment when it otherwise would have given the error message at the start up of the programm. (ArcGIS is still working meanwhile).
* Then i tried uninstalling the 2012 version today and installing the 2013 version which released recently, but this also pops some error messages which i will look into in more detail tomorrow or sunday probably, because they seem to be file and acces related and i might be able to fix them on my own (it states that the acces to a certain setup file has to be veryfied, which it unpacked on the defeuld D:\User\MyDocuments\ArcGIS... location), anyway, not at this time for i have to work tomorrow morning.
And there is also a message that my graphics card is not supported before anything else, which the 2012 version did not do for some reason.

In advance: Thanks for any replies and happy hollydays. I'll be checking in at least on sunday again to update on the problem.
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Emerging Contributor
Hi All,

A moment ago i just moved some of the installation package stuff from the default location in My Documents, to a folder closer to the root like 'D:\CityEngine' and now CityEngine 2013 was installed succesfully and it is running without any error messages so far. I guess it's not really a solution for the 'repair lisence' problem that you are having, but the installation of the 2013 version might act as  a workaround.

Good luck!

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Esri Contributor
Hi Floris,

thanks for your update. I understand it correctly that CityEngine 2013 is working fine on windows 8.1?

I agree, in correct (Support) wording it is a workaround - but I would consider it still a solution if the other users can update to 2013 AND have the same result of a working envorinment 🙂

Kind regards and a good New Years Eve!
Esri Germany Technical Support
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Emerging Contributor
Thanks Anna, you and all other forum users have a good new years celebration and 2014 too!

And you are correct: City Engine 2013 is working on my windows 8.1 computer currently.


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