Hello Barnie, Eduardo and Anna,
Some weeks ago i got a City Engine licence at the National GI Minor at the VU University Amsterdam, but i could not get it to work, getting a different error message, which might be related to the same problem you are experiencing on your W8.1 machines. I do not know wether i will need CE in my research assignment at the SPINlab in januari, however it would just be nice to have the software running.
I'll start at the beginning of the story of the errors:
* My machine is a laptop which i bought with the following specs:
Windows 7 64bit, Intel core i3 processor (M330), Ati Radeon Mobility HD5000, 4GB DDR3 RAM And not unimportant either: i'm the admin on this machine.
* Then about a year ago i got a year's licence for ArcGIS (and catalog and all; which will end in februari or something) which has been and is still working fine.
* Now i have upgraded my laptop from windows 7 to 8 several months ago and about a month ago, just before i tried installing CE i upgraded to 8.1. ArcGIS is still working fine all this time.
* However when i tried running CE 2012 it gave the error message which is in the screenshot in the attatchment "RunCityEngine2012" while the administration/licence managing programme says that the licence has been approved. Reinstalling CE did not help solve the problem and trying to run it in compatability mode did result in the absence of error messages, but just chrashed the software right at the moment when it otherwise would have given the error message at the start up of the programm. (ArcGIS is still working meanwhile).
* Then i tried uninstalling the 2012 version today and installing the 2013 version which released recently, but this also pops some error messages which i will look into in more detail tomorrow or sunday probably, because they seem to be file and acces related and i might be able to fix them on my own (it states that the acces to a certain setup file has to be veryfied, which it unpacked on the defeuld D:\User\MyDocuments\ArcGIS... location), anyway, not at this time for i have to work tomorrow morning.
And there is also a message that my graphics card is not supported before anything else, which the 2012 version did not do for some reason.
In advance: Thanks for any replies and happy hollydays. I'll be checking in at least on sunday again to update on the problem.