Hi all,
I'm fairly new to CityEngine but am hoping to build a python script that will allow me to batch grow a series of street networks (with some set parameters) and export each street network to a shape file as follows:
Pseudo code:
Start a new scene
Do while i < 100
-growstreets(with some parameters)
-select streets
-export streets as .shp file with name: "streets" & i & ".shp"
-select streets
-delete streets
i ++
I'm not new to programming but I am new to CityEngine and python.
I assume this is possible? !If anyone could point me in the direction of some suitable examples it would be much appreciated.
Many Thanks
edit: I am playing with ce.growStreets(graph, settings) - however this function requires that I specify a graph from which streets are grown. Using the UI I can simply graph->grow streets in a blank world - can someone suggest how I do the same thing in a script (i.e. not pass a graph or pass an empty one). Thanks
edit2: OK - I am slowly moving forwards here - the following will create a new street network each time it is run, now i just need to export , delete the layer etc.
from scripting import *
# get a CityEngine instance
ce = CE()
def test():
newGraph = ce.addGraphLayer('new')
if __name__ == '__main__':
At this stage I'm unsure if a mod should delete this thread - but perhaps it will be use to someone else just starting out.
edit3: Close to a final solution - if I am doing this in a very cumbersome way please let me know
Created on Jul 11, 2014
@author: Stephen
from scripting import *
# get a CityEngine instance
ce = CE()
def batchGrowStreets():
for i in range(1,11😞
##Create a new graph layer
newGraph = ce.addGraphLayer('new')
##Grow streets on it
##Select them
graph = ce.getObjectsFrom(ce.scene)
##setup the export file
exportSettings = SHPExportGraphSettings()
exportSettings.setFilename(ce.toFSPath("testCE" + str(i) + ".shp"))
##Export graph as shape file
ce.export(graph, exportSettings)
##delete everything
if __name__ == '__main__':
how owe did you get on with this? I'm looking at getting roads generated from city engine into Infraworks and this would be really useful
Hi Neil,
Thank you for your question.
CityEngine is a versatile software that supports export to Autodesk data formats:
Supported File-Based Data Formats | InfraWorks | Autodesk Knowledge Network
Here is a suggestion for each data type:
All these exporters can be automated with CityEngine Python CE Help - Python Scripting Category Commands .