What should my expectations be of CE performance - I'm using 2014.1?
I have Windows XP x64 2003 SP2
Intel Xeon 2GHz 16GB RAM (24 cores)
NVidia Quadro K5000 (4GB)
I find that it copes ok with the graphical hard work - export models, generate, pan, zoom tend to work tolerably.
However things like crtl-A to select all can take a couple of minutes, as can accessing an attribute in the Inspector window (I just see a big black square where all the attribute should be until it refreshes). I'm currently trying at export 3500 shapes to a shapefile and I've been waiting 35min so far.....still waiting....nearly finished.
I've had problems before with other things in CE but they seem to have been fixed with a change to my network profile, so I'm not sure if this slowness is my machine or CE.
Hey ..
It's not the computer that is slow, it's the Inspector doing all sorts of evaluations (also to refresh it's UI) that take a long time when you select everything.
Maybe try closing the Inspector pane and see if that changes things ..
Matthias Buehler
Head of 3D Technologies
twitter: @MattB3D
Garsdale Design Limited
Thanks, that's helpul - it certainly seems to help when doing a select all.
But even when I just select a single shape, with the intention of changing attributes, the inspector can take a while to refresh and I get a big black square instead of the attributes - is this normal, can I do anything to help it?
As far as I know this mostly depends on the complexity of the rules.
Do you have complex rules with multiple imports ?
Matthias Buehler
Head of 3D Technologies
twitter: @MattB3D
Garsdale Design Limited
hmm ok I'll consider that.
Prety sure my rules aren't complex - maybe not written in the most efficient way but no imports.
I have 18 attributes in my rules - about half are object attributes that come from my shapefile, the others are user defined or rule defined.
Hmm. ok.
Can you maybe do a screen capture video of the behavior ?
Matthias Buehler
Head of 3D Technologies
twitter: @MattB3D
Garsdale Design Limited