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CityEngine Import osm, shp or dxf Not Responding

09-21-2022 01:05 AM
New Contributor

Hi, I was trying to import osm and shp file into the scene layer. But every time when I clicked  the "Browse" button on the import window, it froze the whole program and gave me the "Not Responding" system message. Now I can't do any modelling work associated with osm, shp and dxf file on CityEngine due to this issue.


I've tried reinstalling but it does not help.


Is there a way that I can fix this issue? I used both City Engine 2017 and 2019 version.

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2 Replies
New Contributor

Here is the screenshot

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Esri Contributor

Hi @Huai,

My guess from the screenshot is: Your default path / windows installation probably contains characters which are not supported by this version of CE.


  • put your files at a location with no special characters, e.g.  C:\importFilesForCE\
  • directly paste the path to the files into the dialog (without clicking on browse)
  • Click somewhere in the dialog box so the file gets loaded
  • Click on Next / Finish

Hope this works! Alternatively you can also import via python.


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