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CityEngine, ArcScene, KML and 3D models?

10-29-2013 02:06 PM
Occasional Contributor

Just wondering if anyone else has tried using models created from KML files in CityEngine or ArcScene.  I have some that I can bring into SketchUp and export back out as DAE, but they seem to have gaps, and I'm not sure how to get the textures on. 

If anyone has tried this I'd love to know what works!

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Occasional Contributor
Yes and no...

I was able to open a KML in SketchUp and save it as a DAE, then I brought it into CityEngine and the model looks ok, although no textures.  It does align to the terrain but it's not in the proper location geographically.  So I have two issues:

How do I give each one the proper coordinates?  From SketchUp perhaps?

And how do I apply the texture maps saved as jpegs?  Do I bring all the DAE and jpeg files into CityEngine and use rules or can they be saved with the textures as a KMZ and brought into CityEngine?
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Deactivated User

but you know that CityEngine directly supports kml/kmz files, right ?

simply drag-n-drop them into the viewport from the data folder ..

lemme know.

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Occasional Contributor
No I didn't know that, but just tried it and got this error message "Cannot create import wizard page: Asset reader failed! See error log".  Is there something else I need to do?

Interestingly though, if I open the kml file in SketchUp first and export it as a dae, then it opens ok in CityEngine, although it isn't georeferenced properly and untextured. 😞
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Deactivated User
Hi !

Hmm. interesting.

Would it be possible to get that kml file for us to test ? If interested, can you send me a PM with your mail address ?

Lemme know.

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Occasional Contributor
here is the kml and dae
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