Hello, I´ve been wondering for some time, if there is any place where CE users share their rules? Is there any place where I could download scripts ready to use, since I am not very good at programming...
There are several places to find some very useful cga rule examples. Searching the CGA Shape Grammar forum is a good location. Many samples are provided here. For example you may want to look at the sticky on creating simple roof styles: http://forums.arcgis.com/threads/62005-CGA-Simple-Roofs.
Another good place to start for basic rule samples and workflows is to download the tutorials, which come with sample data and predefined rules. These rule files could be edited to work with your data and you might find that there is a particular style that is best to use depending on what type of data you have to work with. The Philadelphia Redevelopment tutorial demonstrates how to work with different types of data and GIS driven rules.