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Territory Design

01-09-2018 11:22 AM
Deactivated User

#2017 business analyst data   

Hi, Geonet Community,

I would like to design territories with several parameters (i.e. total population served (500k-800k),

the total value of structures served, miles of streets covered (1 hour with street network dataset), income, home value, total insured homes, and others like DMA). I need to work with the tools at the basic single-use license as much as possible before utilizing the Business Analyst extension. Do you know if this is possible and if so what tools to use? 

Thanks again for all your help!


1 Reply
MVP Honored Contributor


This might be best to share with the Business Analyst‌ group (instead of the ArcGIS Pro space) since people in that group likely have already gone through a similar process and know how to best answer your questions.