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Documentation for BA Address Locators

05-03-2017 08:38 AM
New Contributor III

Business analyst has some great address locators, but I can't find detailed documentation for them. 

For example, there is a locator called USA_PointAddresses.  It matches to address points - but is it rooftops, E911 data or what?  The reference data is listed   \REF_DATA\USA.gdb\EsriPointAddress and the path shows that it is on my desktop, but it isn't.  I need to understand the how the data was created, how old it was, is it consistent across the US or does it concentrate on Urban areas,  etc.

Another example, I'm finding addresses that match with the 5 digit ZIP locator, but not with the ZIP +4, even though according to the USPS, the ZIP +4 is valid. 

I need the documentation on how these address locators were created and details on the underlying source data and can't seem to find it anywhere in the documentation.

I'm using the desktop version of Business Analyst.

4 Replies
MVP Honored Contributor


It might be a good idea to move this thread to the‌ group for more appropriate visibility.‌ is for help with the GeoNet community.

New Contributor III

Thanks I did

Esri Contributor

Hello Heather!  We now see this thread and will look into this.  We'll provide a helpful reply soon...


ArcGIS Business Analyst Team

0 Kudos
Esri Contributor

Hi Heather,

Thank you for contacting us to share your feedback as well as your questions.
We are glad to hear that you are having success with the locators within Business Analyst!

The geocoding documentation is included within the StreetMap Premium help and can be found on the drive where your local data is installed.

Assuming the data is installed on your C: drive, the path would be as follows:

C:\ArcGIS\Business Analyst\US_2016\Documentation\2016 StreetMap Premium\help.htm.

Note that the link assumes 2016 data is installed locally. If you are using and older version, please replace '2016' with the correct year.

Once you open the html help, please expand ‘Geocoding Addresses,’ towards the top of the left pane and double click ‘About the address locators for geocoding.’

The information within this page is relevant to your questions but if further details are needed, just let us know.

As for the input records containing ZIP4 IDs that are not matching with the ZIP + 4 Locator, one possibility that the underlying locator data is older than the ZIP 4 IDs.

We would be happy to investigate specific (ZIP 4) input values that are not matching and provide details if you are able to send examples.

Thanks again for contacting us. We will 'stay tuned' for any follow up questions.



ArcGIS Business Analyst Team