I have been unsuccessful in installing and using Address Coder.
I installed ArcGIS 10.6.1 Desktop and ArcGIS 10.6.1 Background GP using default options.
I installed Business Analyst with 2017 US Data and Business Analyst Background GP using default options.
I downloaded the 60GB ZIP files for 2017 US Data and unpacked the first ZIP in order to access the install EXE.
I used the EXE to install the 2017 US Data. This took a couple hours. Windows 10 did stall at one point, asking me to "Retry or Cancel." Upon clicking "Retry" the install appeared to continue, copying and moving files. The licensing app appeared and I directed the app to my SDLIC file.
I launched Address Coder. A number of licensing errors appeared, which appears to be normal until Address Coder is licensed. I directed Address Coder to its license file after the app loaded.
When I launch Address Coder the app tosses the errors as indicated in the attached images:
"Address Coder was unable to access C:\ArcGIS\Business Analyst\US_2017\Address Coder\groups.mdb.
"Provider cannot be found. It may not be properly installed."
Also, this:
"Unable to open coder.mdb. Provider cannot be found. It may not be properly installed."
The install was accomplished using an administrator account. The paths indicated are correct and "groups.mdb" does exist.
Not sure what I am missing or have done wrong.
I'm getting that exact error using also using 10.6.1 but with 2018 US data. Have you found a solution?
Nope. No solution. I have been working with Esri on a solution.
I have been stymied as the faculty person has been out of town, out of the
country, has a garbage laptop with no functioning battery (outlet only),
and doesn't seem to understand it takes a day to install 80GB worth of
software and data.
However, after installing 10.6.1 with the 2018 Data, I was able to reduce
the number of errors from 4 to 2. I suspect Microsoft changed something
with their database engine support, or her version of Windows 10 is
torqued, or both. In any event, my most recent installation attempt allowed
Address Coder to actually launch, despite tossing 2 errors about
"groups.mdb" and a permission issue. I advised the faculty person to go
ahead an build her address file and try to use the Address Coder and see
what happens. In my previous attempts, Address Coder crashed after tossing
4 errors. This attempt tossed 2 errors and Address Coder continued to load,
a promising sign.
I have been meaning to install on a computer in my area of administration,
but time and work interferes.
Garry and Michael, I ran into a similar issue and this resolved the issue.
I did try that download, as suggested by Esri Support. Did not work in my
case, however. #mb
I installed the software on a bunch of all of our machines with no issues, however, I just tried to add it to an additional machine and got this issue did you ever get a solution?
Same problem here. We worked around it by giving authenticated users full control on C:\ArcGIS\Business Analyst\US_2018\Address Coder.
I can't be sure, but there might have been some difference during the installation when running the dataset installer while logged in to an admin account vs. using run-as-admin from a regular user account.
Hi Michael,
Can you please email me at pyadav at esri.com and share you Support Case ID so that I can work with the analyst and see if anyhow I can expedite a resolution for you?
Pavan Yadav | Technology Lead
Esri Support Services, Esri | 380 New York Street, Redlands CA 92373 | USA
We have had a few customers contacted our Technical Support about this or similar issues. The following two have had worked for those customers:
Please try the above, if they don’t help please contact Esri Support.
Pavan Yadav | Technology Lead
Esri Support Services, Esri | 380 New York Street, Redlands CA 92373 | USA
Pavan, thank you. I ran the silent install on the 32-bit client and that resolved the errors.