Hi John,
We did a webinar series in 2021 that goes into the process in a little more depth. I believe it's a bit newer than the video at the YouTube link you shared. You can find the recordings here: https://www.esri.com/en-us/lg/industry/government/2021-national-aviation-webinar-series.
Also, it sounds like you are very much on the right track for getting started. The next step would be to load data into the AIS, and the Import AIXM 5.1 geoprocessing tool is the main way that we do that. Unfortunately, the FAA NASR data is not a dataset that we've done much testing with in its AIXM flavor.
I did a little bit of experimenting and was able to reproduce the results that you describe (empty output). Looking a bit closer, I noticed that there may be some things in the AIXM message itself that are contributing to the issue. But without errors being returned by the tool, it's hard to track down what the specific issue is. I've passed this on to the product team so that they can look into this further.
If it's critical for you to work with this FAA data, please reach out to us through tech support so we can start to look a bit deeper sooner. But if you're just trying to familiarize yourself with the product for now, you may have better luck with AIXM data from a different organization. Here are a few agencies that publish AIXM data that I've had success with in the past:
Hi John,
If you are loading AIXM data into AIS Charting, look at the AIXM import configuration files to see source AIXM to destination AIS fields and tables. These are AIXM51SpecConfig.json and AIXM51WriterConfig.json, which are installed under C:\Program Files\ArcGIS\Pro\Resources\Aviation.
That path also has the export config files 51ExportRelationships.json, 51ExportTemplate.xml and AIXM51ExportDomains.json. You can look at those to see the source AIS to destination AIXM data mapping. The 51ExportRelationships.json file will show SQL statements showing how AIS tables relate.
For more info on the configuration files take a look at
If you don't have to have AIXM, another source of charted FAA data is this site : https://adds-faa.opendata.arcgis.com/
You can download shapefiles there. These would be easier to data map and load into the AIS Charting geodatabase schema, but would take some field mapping and some additional work to populate geodatabase relationships.
Want to thank Kiyoshi and David for the guidance above first off.
I was brand new to this entire process. Combining the above posts of very helpful information/videos with the existing getting started documentation, I was able to successfully plot some airports in ICAO style based on an area of interest. If it’s helpful at all to any I’ve tossed together some notes as a "get started down this path" exercise.
This exercise loads Airport data provided by https://aip.dfs.de/datasets/
If you navigate to Main -> ADHP and open the attribute table, it should be populated.
Note: After configuring the Area of Interest, right under Drawing Order, Right click your ICAO ENR Map and Click Properties. Under the color management option is Aviation AOI. Update that to the created AOI to the shape you drew and click Apply.
Complete the Configure feature-linked annotation feature classes section, pasting the sample code provided in the instructions in the rules section
Note 1: I had a blank annotation feature class since I ran the Create before running the Annotation steps. If you do things out of order you can install the Aviation toolkit under \ArcGIS Aviation Charting\Product Files\3.3\Utilities\Scripts\Aviation Tools.pyt (just import it via right click catalogue -> add toolset), then run the Create Aviation Feature Linked Annotation tool.
Note 2: In the first few failures, I never could get the symbology to apply on the ADHP_C layer. I ended up having to use the “Match Layer Symbology to a Style” tool and set it up as:
Input Layer: ADHP/C
Match Values: Expression Builder -> Copy and Paste the Arcade script located at \ArcGIS Aviation Charting\Product Files\3.3\SampleConfigs\ICAO\Visual\ArcadeExpressions\Symbol\adhp_c_symbol_arcade_icao.lxp
Style: Aviation Charting ICAO (If this is not imported, you can add it from Insert -> Styles -> Add Style -> \ArcGIS Aviation Charting\Product Files\3.3\Styles\Aviation Charting ICAO.stylx. It should be in there if you’ve imported the ICAO Sample Map.
Note 3: If you want to annotate more things like the HP and LS records, during the Annotation Feature Class creation step where you can click the Pencil and update Class 1 to the adhp_c_label_arcade_icao expression, Scroll down and just change the “AD” to “HP” or “LS” to create new classes. You can also add them to the Array as 1 class if you want. I kind of liked having 3 individual Classes for toggling.
Note 4: If you end up messing anything up, you can delete the Annotation Feature Class from the gdb, then delete the records from the ADHP_C table (keep the Feature Class obviously don’t delete it). Build out your Annotation class again via the steps, Generate Carto Features, and Prepare Aviation Data.
Best of luck. This tool is a beast but it's amazing.