How can I switch between online and offline map? So my workflow is: the map loads if ocnnected to internet and the tpk loads if internet not connected.
The code below gives me an online map and it should give me an offline map but its not. Can someone point me in the right direction?
//Offline Mapping property string dataPath: AppFramework.userHomeFolder.filePath("ArcGIS/AppStudio/Data") property string inputdata: "Rheinauen.tpk" property string outputdata: dataPath + "/" + inputdata function copyLocalData(input, output) { var resourceFolder = AppFramework.fileFolder(app.folder.folder("data").path); AppFramework.userHomeFolder.makePath(dataPath); resourceFolder.copyFile(input, output); return output } // Create MapView that contains a Map with the Basemap
MapView {
id: mapView
width: parent.width
height: setInitialMapArea.height - balken_menu.height
focus: true
rotationByPinchingEnabled: false
zoomByPinchingEnabled: true
Map {
id: map
minScale: 100000
maxScale: 5000
BasemapTopographic {}
// Add a tiled layer as an operational layer
ArcGISTiledLayer {
id: tiledLayer
url: ""
initialViewpoint: viewpoint
// Basemap {
ArcGISTiledLayer {
TileCache {
id: offlinemap
path: AppFramework.resolvedPathUrl(copyLocalData(inputdata, outputdata))
I can't be certain, but I have a feeling this may have to do with the path value being set on the TileCache object. My suggestion would be to console log that path property out and make sure it is a valid path being set.