I have created an offline application which uses the ArcGISLocalTileLayer function to display the map. The app loads fully when testing through the Qt Creator but the map doesn't appear when the app's loaded through the Player. Is there anything that I can do to the code to fix this?
What does your path look like for referencing the local tiled layer?
Here's the code for the section that holds the tiled layer components
App {
id: app
width: 1220
height: 880
property color penColor: colorDialog.color;
property int penWidth;
Rectangle {...}
Map {
id: map
anchors {...}
rotationByPinchingEnabled: true
zoomByPinchingEnabled: true
positionDisplay {
positionSource: PositionSource {
ArcGISLocalTiledLayer {
path: "WairarapaImagery.tpk"
ArcGISLocalTiledLayer {
id: vector
path: "WairarapaVector.tpk"
You will need to specify the path to these TPKs. In the case of AppStudio, a good cross platform method is to use is the AppFramework.userHomePath property. This will return to you the "user home" location on each device. In the case of iOS, that would be <application_bundle>/Documents. So, in your code, you could say "path: AppFramework.userHomePath + "/WairarapaImagery.tpk", and then make sure to transfer your TPK to that location on your device (usually via iTunes).
I tried adding in the userHomePath but the AppStudio player is still not able to display the imagery.
And the TPK is copied onto the device into that specified location? If not, please use iTunes to transfer the TPK from your desktop onto your device. If you have already done this, then it may be worth posting your question in the AppStudio space. Someone using AppStudio may be able to give you pointers on using the Player app with local offline data.
Make sure to create a data folder in your app directory. Add the tpk to the data folder. I have tested this sample code and it works on both android and iPad. Can you please test it by uploading this sample and test it in the player?
import QtQuick 2.3
import QtQuick.Controls 1.2
import ArcGIS.AppFramework 1.0
import ArcGIS.AppFramework.Controls 1.0
import ArcGIS.AppFramework.Runtime 1.0
App {
id: app
width: 800
height: 532
property string runtimePath: AppFramework.userHomeFolder.filePath("ArcGIS/Runtime")
property string dataPath: runtimePath + "/Data"
property string inputTPK: "test.tpk"
property string outputTPK: dataPath + "/" + inputTPK
function copyLocalData(input, output) {
var resourceFolder = AppFramework.fileFolder(app.folder.folder("Data").path);
resourceFolder.copyFile(input, output);
return output
Envelope {
id: sfExtent
xMin: -13643665.582273144
yMin: 4533030.152110769
xMax: -13618899.985108782
yMax: 4554203.2089457335
Map {
id: myMap
anchors.fill: parent
extent: sfExtent
focus: true
ArcGISLocalTiledLayer {
path: copyLocalData(inputTPK, outputTPK)