I need to perform a "VACUUM" on my app database using QtQuick.LocalStorage 2.0 or using the SqlDatabase Type but pointing the database from QtQuick.LocalStorage.
Must work on Android and iOS devices.
Any idea?
José can you tell us what you have tried?
I tried to execute a VACUUM using LocalStorage, but is not able to run it because it must be executed from outside a transaction.
function repackingDatabase(){
var db = LocalStorage.openDatabaseSync("BLAHBLAHBLAH_DB", "", "Local database", 1000000);
try {
db.transaction(function (tx) {
} catch (err) {
console.exception("Error repacking the Database: " + err);
My database must sometimes handle a large amount of data.
But even if you delete those rows or even delete the tables the space occupied by the app continues to increase.
Hi José, in the following example, I'm able to use `VACUUM` on a `SqlDatabase`:
import QtQuick 2.7
import QtQuick.Controls 2.1
import ArcGIS.AppFramework 1.0
import ArcGIS.AppFramework.Controls 1.0
import ArcGIS.AppFramework.Sql 1.0
App {
id: app
width: 800
height: 640
property string dbFileName: "sample.sqlite"
property string dbFilePath: sqlFolder.filePath(dbFileName)
ListView {
id: listView
property ListModel logListModel: ListModel { }
anchors.fill: parent
anchors.margins: 10
model: logListModel
delegate: Text { text: logText }
function log(logText) { logListModel.append( { logText: logText } ); }
FileFolder {
id: sqlFolder
path: "~/ArcGIS/Data/Sql"
SqlDatabase {
id: db
databaseName: dbFilePath
function db_exec_sql(sql, obj) {
listView.log( "db_exec_sql.sql: %1".arg(sql) );
if (obj != null) {
listView.log( "db_exec_sql.obj: %1".arg(JSON.stringify(obj)) );
var query = obj != null ? db.query(sql, obj) : db.query(sql);
if (query.error) {
listView.log( "query.error: %1".arg(query.error) );
var ok = query.first();
while (ok) {
listView.log( "query.values: %1".arg(JSON.stringify(query.values)));
ok = query.next();
Component.onCompleted: {
listView.log( "dbFileName: %1".arg(dbFileName) );
listView.log( "dbFilePath: %1".arg(dbFilePath) );
db_exec_sql( "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS people" );
db_exec_sql( "CREATE TABLE people (NAME text)" );
db_exec_sql( "INSERT INTO people VALUES (:name) ", { name: 'Bill Gates' } );
db_exec_sql( "INSERT INTO people VALUES (:name) ", { name: 'Jack Dangermond' } );
db_exec_sql( "SELECT * FROM people" );
db_exec_sql( "VACUUM" );
db_exec_sql( "SELECT * FROM people" );
The program completes successfully, and, because I use `~/ArcGIS/Data/Sql`, the folder will exist on all platforms. The output I get when I run the above on Windows is:
dbFileName: sample.sqlite
dbFilePath: C:/Users/stephen/ArcGIS/Data/Sql/sample.sqlite
db_exec_sql.sql: DROP TABLE IF EXISTS people
db_exec_sql.sql: CREATE TABLE people (NAME text)
db_exec_sql.sql: INSERT INTO people VALUES (:name)
db_exec_sql.obj: {"name":"Bill Gates"}
db_exec_sql.sql: INSERT INTO people VALUES (:name)
db_exec_sql.obj: {"name":"Jack Dangermond"}
db_exec_sql.sql: SELECT * FROM people
query.values: {"NAME":"Bill Gates"}
query.values: {"NAME":"Jack Dangermond"}
db_exec_sql.sql: VACUUM
db_exec_sql.sql: SELECT * FROM people
query.values: {"NAME":"Bill Gates"}
query.values: {"NAME":"Jack Dangermond"}
Hi Stephen,
I´m a workmate of Jose, he has some trouble with his account and can´t answer and has told me that send this to you.
Yeah, i know.
But i need to do the vacuum to the QtQuick.LocalStorage 2.0 database.
Its mandatory to me, due to the needs of the project, use QtQuick.LocalStorage 2.0.