Hi there
I have developed a simple offline app using the Open Mobile Map (mmpk) template. I would now like to provide the user with the ability to select which MMPK layers should be displayed in the app (interactively). This would be similar to the Table Of Contents where a user can select which layers to display.
I was unable to find any templates or examples of this and would really appreciate some code or examples to study and apply to my offline app.
Thank you and I wish all of you all of the best for the New Year.
MMPK is basically collection of maps. Each map has a basemap and operationalLayers irrespective of it is an online map or offline. You will be able to get the layers using map.operationalLayers property. It returns the Layer model. Every layer has a layerVisible property which you can use. This is already done in MapViewer template. Please check the source code for MapViewer if you would like
Map QML Type | ArcGIS for Developers
Hi Nakul
Thank you for quick reply. Unfortunately, for my level of expertise, the
MapViewer app is not that easy to navigate and understand. I now know how
to import "controls' but I am not sure how to call up the "views" - not
even sure if they do get called. Under the "MapPage.qml" view folder I
found reference to the mapView.map.operationalLayers (see below) but I dont
even know how to link these to a menu or list of options or MyApp.qml code.
function procLayers (layers) {
if (!layers) layers = mapView.map.operationalLayers
var count = layers.count || layers.length
for (var i=count; i--;) {
var layer
try {
layer = layers.get(i)
} catch (err) {
layer = layers
if (!layer) continue
if (layer.subLayerContents.length) {
} else {
"checkBox": layer.visible,
"name": layer.name,
"layerId": layer.layerId
layer.onLoadErrorChanged.connect(function () {
"layer": layer,
"verified": false
Is there perhaps a simpler example that you can provide for
operationalising the selection of layers or a perhaps a document that
explains how the MapViewer app is structured and functions?
I know this is now off the point but I find the availability of help
and resources limited for those non-programmers trying to get to grips
with AppStudio. The ArcGIS Runtime SDK for Qt site
is somewhat useful but not all of the example code works seamlessly in
AppStudio. I tried cutting and pasting several of the code snippets
this evening and only some worked.I did change the import statements
before trying to run the code but I wish there was a dedicated website
site for AppStudio related code snippets and help.
Please create a Esri support ticket if you would like. They can't give you a complete sample. But atleast can provide you a simple proof of concept on how to use operational Layer List model and will be able to help you better understand on how runtime works.
Hi Nakul
This does seem somewhat drastic for what I thought was a relatively simple request but I am happy to do so. Googling "Esri support" directs me to (1) Esri's Community Support, which is GeoNet, and (2) Esri's Technical Support, which is obviously Esri's technical support.
I guess with AppStudio on Geonet there are greater restrictions than with other Esri products in terms of 3rd party software licensing and public sharing of code. I never really thought about that before. I will contact Esri's Technical support for assistance.
I apologise if my request or response was unreasonable.
Best of wishes for 2018!
Hi Mervyn,
The code below is a page in one of my apps that allows the layers in the map to be toggled on and off. I've also included a screenshot of what this page looks like. From my map page, I've defined a QML object for my Layers page like this:
LayersPage {
id: layersPage
primaryColor: app.primaryColor
darkGray: app.darkGray
lightGray: app.lightGray
fontFamily: app.fontSourceRobotoReg.name
headerFont: app.fontSourceRobotoMed.name
I call the show() method to show the Layers page, and pass the operational layers in the map, like this:
layersPage.show(mapView.map.operationalLayers) Below is the code for the Layers page. The ListView is used to display the layers in the model (mapView.map.operationalLayers).import QtQuick 2.7import QtQuick.Controls 2.2import QtQuick.Layouts 1.3import QtQuick.Controls.Material 2.1import QtGraphicalEffects 1.0
import ArcGIS.AppFramework 1.0import ArcGIS.AppFramework.Controls 1.0Page {id: pageLayersanchors.fill: parentvisible: falseMaterial.background: "white"// Scale factorproperty real scaleFactor: AppFramework.displayScaleFactorproperty color primaryColor: "blue"property color darkGray: "darkgray"property color lightGray: "lightgray"property string fontFamilyproperty string headerFontsignal layerToggled(int index)function show(layersListModel) {listViewLayers.model = layersListModelvisible = true}
function hide() {visible = false}
header: ToolBar {id: toolbarwidth: parent.widthheight: 56*scaleFactorMaterial.background: primaryColorRowLayout {anchors.fill: parentToolButton {indicator: Image {width: parent.width*0.5height: parent.height*0.5anchors.centerIn: parenthorizontalAlignment: Qt.AlignRightverticalAlignment: Qt.AlignVCentersource: "assets/images/left_arrow.png"fillMode: Image.PreserveAspectFit}
onClicked: {pageLayers.hide()}
Item {Layout.preferredWidth: 25*scaleFactorLayout.fillHeight: true}
Label {text: "Layers"Material.foreground: "white"font.family: headerFontfont.pixelSize: 20*scaleFactor}
Item {Layout.fillWidth: trueLayout.fillHeight: true}
ListView {id: listViewLayerswidth: parent.widthheight: parent.height - 10*scaleFactoranchors {top: parent.toptopMargin: 10*scaleFactor}
clip: truedelegate: RowLayout {width: parent.widthheight: 60*scaleFactorItem {Layout.preferredWidth: 20*scaleFactorLayout.fillHeight: true}
Switch {checked: layerVisibleMaterial.accent: primaryColoronCheckedChanged: {layerToggled(index)layerVisible = checked}
Item {Layout.fillWidth: trueLayout.fillHeight: true}
Label {Layout.preferredWidth: parent.width - 30*scaleFactortext: namefont.family: fontFamilyfont.pixelSize: 16*scaleFactorMaterial.foreground: darkGraywrapMode: Text.WrapAtWordBoundaryOrAnywhere}
Item {Layout.preferredWidth: 35*scaleFactorLayout.fillHeight: true}
I hope that helps. Let me know if you have any questions.
Hi Brooke
Thank you so much for sharing the example. Very much appreciated.
I shall take a look and let you know if I have any questions.