Silverlight Magnifier tool in Sharepoint Mapwebpart

02-15-2012 07:48 PM
New Contributor
Hello all,
I am deploying a Silverlight Magnifier tool using ICommand in the sharepoint (Arcgis mapping for Sharepoint).
Can anyone suggest if it is possible to attach a Feature layer to a magnifier.Layers, dynamically?
I have to Magnify the layers attached to the Map Webpart Map.
For this I gave MapApplication.Current.Map to the Map property of Magnifier Tool (in .cs) and I gave the URL of the Base Map Layer as the ArcGISTiledMapService Layer for the Magnifier.Layers (in .XAML).
Thus, I can zoom in to the base Layer but other layers on Map are not Zoomed into.
Please suggest a solution ASAP.
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