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Tool tip in ArcGIS Dynamic Service Layer Version 1.2

07-22-2010 08:34 PM
Frequent Contributor
Hello All

My client wants to show tool tip of one of the polygon layer in the Dynamic Service Layer.  I am aware that we cannot show the tool tip for dynamic service layer. I cannot change my application design so that we can add the layers as graphic layer and set a property for tool tip display, because application is big and many layers and functionality are already built. Going with feature layer/graphic layer will be big impact on application. We do not have enough time/budget for this change.

How can I make the tool tip. I have provided Label for the layer but client refused for this work around.

Please help me. This is very urgent for my client. We are in product delivery phase.

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3 Replies
Esri Frequent Contributor
With a dynamicServiceLayer, no data are loaded locally. So to display information about the features you will need to query the server.

Why not an identify task?
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Frequent Contributor
Thanks Dominque. I think I have not explained my problem in detail.  See, I already developed a application with a dynamic service layer with 15+ layers. Now, user wants to see the tool tip for one of the polygon layers always. How do I go about?. I do not want to add query/identify task and get the features and add as  a graphic and display on Map. Is this your solution.

Provide me simple solution which does not hurt existing application design.

Just user wants tool tip (polygon name) on mouse hover. This is a requirement
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Esri Frequent Contributor
I do not want to add query/identify task and get the features and add as a graphic and display on Map. Is this your solution.

I was more thinking about an identify task which would be executed on mouse click without adding any graphics.
But this don't respect your requirement : 'On mouse hover'.

If you really want tooltips, I think the simplest way is you to use a feature layer (just for this polygon layer).
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