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Query Task Limit and Time Out

07-03-2010 03:19 AM
Frequent Contributor
We have developed SL application, where query task is used, to query the polygon feature class using query eg. TASK ID IN ('100', '200'). Query task is failed when we send more ID's in where clause (say more than 600). What is maximum limit ?. Is this ESRI limitation if yes, where the query string ilimit is mentioned? or http restriction?  Though map service max record count set to 1000 still query task is failed.

Pl advice
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2 Replies
Esri Frequent Contributor
Looks like you run into an IE limitation : the Url lenght must be less than 2083.

Nevertheless the SL API should use a POST request to avoid this issue. So it's strange.

Is it working with another browser than IE?
Which versions of the API are you using?
Are you talking about a query task or about a feature layer with a where clause (in this latest case, it's a known limitation)?
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Esri Notable Contributor
Instead of using the Where parameter, you might want to consider using the ObjectIDs parameter instead.
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