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How to save map to png or jpeg file?

06-24-2011 01:41 PM
New Contributor
Hi everyone,

I want to use a button click event to save MyMap directly without open windows SaveFileDialog. MyMap contains the following kinds of layer:
two ArcGIS Server dynamic map services
a few graphics layers
a few feature layers

I am totally brand new on this task... and I really don't know where I should start. So I really appreciate any thoughts, work flow or sample code on how to implement this. Thanks again! 🙂
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1 Reply
Esri Notable Contributor
For security reasons, you cannot just save to a file on disk without user consent, unless your app is running out of browser and in full thrust mode. You can however save to "IsolatedStorage" whenever you want (think browser cookies on steroids), but you won't be able to see these files on disk, browse a directory of them, or share them with other people etc.
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