FlareClusterer - setting minimum distance

07-26-2012 09:51 AM
New Contributor III
Is there a way to tell the flare clusterer not to cluster when features are within a certain distance of each other? When zoomed in as much as possible the client wants to see the actual features when they're within 10-20 feet of each other and not the clustered graphic.  Im thinking not but I figured i'd check. You'd almost have to turn clusting off for a certain distance range and turn it back on if the points are located at the same location.

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1 Reply
New Contributor III
Ive had good luck listening to the map's ExtentChanging event and checking the resolution. For my case, if the resolution of the map was less than 2 i would set the clusterer of the layer to null. This unclusterers the layer and shows each and every individual graphic.And when the maps resolution rose above my limit of 2, i would reassign the clusterer to the layer.

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