Hi,I'm developing a silverlight mapping application using MS SL 4.0 + ESRI SL 3.0 and I have two questions related to some new functions avail in 3.0 and Server 10.1.1) I have a map service that is 10.1 and supports dynamic layers.I have an ArcGISDynamicMapServiceLayer my map pointing to this map service. I can use .LayerDrawingOptions to change the feature renderer and toggle labels on/off for one of the sub layers. So far, so good.... however, I do not see how I can change the label's symbol (e.g. change font, text size, color, etc.). The question: Is there a way to do this, and if so, how?2) I'm actually doing this work to prepare a map + layers for high resolution printing. Leaving out the details of why I'm doing this, my hope was to use ArcGISDynamicMapServiceLayer + the ESRI SL PrintTask to create a web map with layers where I can control the layers' label text symbol....... The ExportWebMap Specification (http://resources.arcgis.com/en/help/main/10.1/index.html#//0154000004w8000000) for Operational Layers (see code below) shows that drawingInfo contains a boolean showLabels, as well as another property labelingInfo.It was my 'expectation' (now downgraded to 'hope') that if I construted an ArcGISDynamicMapServiceLayer in SL 3.0, that I would be able to change both feature and label 'rendering'.The question: Is there something I am missing to create an Operational Layer with labelingInfo from a SL ArcGISDynamicMapServiceLayer, and if not, is my best hope this sample (http://resources.arcgis.com/en/help/silverlight-api/samples/start.htm#CreateWebMapObject), or something else?Thanks-Cory"operationalLayers" : [
"url" : "<url1>",
"title" : "<title1>",
"opacity" : <opacity2>,
"gdbVersion": "<gdbVersion>",
"visibleLayers" : [
"layers" : [
"id": <sublayerId1>,
"layerDefinition": {
"definitionExpression": "<definitionExpression>",
"layerTimeOptions": {
"useTime": <true | false>,
"timeDataCumulative": <true | false>,
"timeOffset": <timeOffset1>,
"timeOffsetUnits": "<esriTimeUnits>"
"drawingInfo": {
"renderer" : {<renderer>},
"transparency" : <transparency>,
"scaleSymbols" : <true | false>,
"showLabels" : <true | false>,
"labelingInfo" : {<labelingInfo>},
"source": {<layerSource>},
"gdbVersion": "<Geodatabase version name>"