9.3.1 legend control with proxied services

09-16-2011 08:07 AM
Occasional Contributor III
Is it possible to use the ESRI legend control (9.3.1 which uses arcgis.com) with proxied map services?
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6 Replies
Esri Frequent Contributor
Yes whether your mapservice is public, i.e. arcgis.com can access directly to your map service without using the proxy.
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Occasional Contributor III
but we are using proxied services. we keep getting 403 errors when arcgis.com tries to access our service through the proxy. are there any recommended techniques to get past this, or is the legend control not expected to work through a proxied service.
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New Contributor
Proxied services could mean a lot of things. Can you explain what is that proxy doing? Basic idea would be to have your proxy allow requests from arcgis.com to be directed to the map services. A good test would be to paste your map service url here and see if you get a legend:
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Esri Frequent Contributor
I tested the legend with a 9.3 map service and a proxy, and that looks working.

The request to the arcgis.com legend service is not using the proxy, so your issue is probably not coming from this one.

Could you share your map service URL, so I could test with your own service?
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Occasional Contributor III
Thanks for all the replys,

I am not clear on exactly what the proxy is doing, it was copied code that got us past a previous problem, so I will probably have to have a closer look in there (proxy.ashx).

I don't think giving you the URL will help because I can see that it works fine directly from the URL (thanks for the test page).

Here is our DynamicLayer in XAML, referenceing the proxy page.

<esri:ArcGISDynamicMapServiceLayer ID="Waste Reduction" x:Name="layerWASTE" Visible="False" 
ProxyURL="../proxy.ashx" Url="http://www.regionaldistrict.com/rdcoags/rest/services/GIS_App_WASTE/MapServer" InitializationFailed="Layer_InitializationFailed" DisableClientCaching="True"/>

any more hints would be great
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Esri Frequent Contributor
I got the legend with your map service and a proxy (see attached screenshot).

I don't think giving you the URL will help because I can see that it works fine directly from the URL (thanks for the test page).

As I said previously the proxy is not used to get the legend, so you probably have an issue with your proxy but in this case you should not see the layer at all (i.e. not only a legend issue).
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