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Zoom bar not displaying properly

02-18-2010 04:15 PM
Emerging Contributor
Hi -
I am just running my first sample and my zoom bar doesn't look like the ones in the samples. Am I missing a step?

I imported the ESRI Flex API 2.0 SWC in to my Flash Builder project. I am just using the most basic tiled map sample.

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4 Replies
Esri Regular Contributor
It should look the same if you're looking at the same sample both online and on your machine... 

Not all samples show the same slider.  Some of our sample now show how, with just a little css, you can easily change the look and feel of the zoom slider.
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Emerging Contributor
I attached an image so you can see the difference.

Thanks Bjorn!
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Esri Regular Contributor
That's not using our beta API Library ("swc").  Notice the ESRI Logo on the bottom right, it should be saying "Beta" (not "Powered by").

I'm guessing your project has both the 1.x library as well as the 2.x library...
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Emerging Contributor
Bjorn, You are correct! I was using the old 1.3 library. Thanks for helping me figure that out.


That's not using our beta API Library ("swc").  Notice the ESRI Logo on the bottom right, it should be saying "Beta" (not "Powered by").

I'm guessing your project has both the 1.x library as well as the 2.x library...
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