Error executing tool.: Layer "ArcGISDynamicMapServiceLayer405": Unable to connect to map server at [...Web map URL with token written here......] Failed to execute (ExportWebMap). Failed to execute (Export Web Map)
Hi Drew,
What do you mean by : "using a proxy page instead of using a token directly "?
I use a proxy too in order to avoid typing the user & password but I cannot print any map with secured layers.
Have you succeeded?
I have the exact same issue with print task in javascript API. Could you let me know how do you setup proxy for print service? Thanks!
Here is the esri source code
download your preferred language and then install as a web app on oyur web server.
Next play around with the proxy.config settings until they are right for your environment. e.g.
<ProxyConfig allowedReferers="*"
<!--<serverUrl url=""
<serverUrl url="http://MyWebServer:6080/arcgis/rest/services"
You might need to/probably should lock down what is available through the proxy. There are instructions on how to do this in the readme.txt
The bug that Drew mentioned applies to me. We are on 10.1. Here is what I've got and how I got around it.
I have a map service and a custom print service within a secured folder. I am able to print the map if I print the entire dynamic map service. I can even set the visibleLayers property to hide some layers. As soon as I try to print an individual feature layer from this map, it doesn't work. I have tried the exact same thing on an unsecured map service and it works as expected.
I wanted to print an individual feature layer so I could set the selectionObjectIds property in my webmap JSON to highlight a particular feature. As a work around, I added a graphics layer to the webmap JSON. I grabbed the selected feature's geometry and used that to define the graphics layer.
We can't upgrade beyond 10.1 just yet. Hopefully this helps someone.