I have modified an example from the user forum (version 1.3 of FLEX) that will let the user draw a polygon and get summary statistics and a chart based on their selection. This works just fine when you have contiguous polygons. However, what if I wanted to compare 3 or counties that are not next to each other? I thought I might be able to modify this to add points (or multipoints). I would then need to have something different as a trigger to know when the user was done adding points (unlike polygon that has a draw end built into it).
If I have multiple points, then I'm assuming I would need to loop through each of my points I'd drawn. I can't decide whether I am better off using an identify task instead of the query task I have set for the drawn polygon.
This code works now with just polygons for anyone who wants to have another basic charting/datagrid/summary example.