I have made some more progress: Using an external .MXML file to 'render' the Info Window per following code. While the new Info Windows show fine but not they are not registering any mouse clicks on them. I have the code for the .mxml file given below as well.Must be something simple?!
var myRenderer:ClassFactory = new ClassFactory(SearchWidgetDgridIRF);
myRenderer.properties = { myTitle : gra.attributes.title };
InfoSym.infoRenderer = myRenderer;
var callout:Graphic = new Graphic(gra.attributes.point, infoSymbol1);
callout.symbol = InfoSym;
callout.attributes = gra.attributes;
MXML file:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<mx:TitleWindow xmlns:mx= "http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml"
layout= "absolute"
width= "300"
height= "200"
showCloseButton= "true"
title= "Search Results"
close= "closeMe()"
styleName= "SearchDGCanvas"
creationComplete= "init()" verticalScrollPolicy="auto" enabled="true">
<mx:VBox xmlns:mx="http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml">
public var myTitle:String;
private function closeMe() :void
private function init() :void
<mx:VBox label="{myTitle}" backgroundColor="0xEEEEEE">
<mx:Label text="OWNER: {myTitle}"/>