I am trying to get all the zip codes in my map's extent. I have coded the process below. There are no errors, but I am not receiving polygon's back. I am receiving points back. I would like to highlight the zip codes in my extent. Any suggestions? Thank you in advance. When I use the same service with a where clause instead of the geometry = map.extent, I do get back polygons and can highlight.
private function highlightViewableArea():void { myGraphicsLayer.graphics.clear();
//Add the Qraphics Layer var queryTask:QueryTask = new QueryTask("http://dg2k8esridev1/ArcGISDevelopment/rest/services/ZipCodesNoDemographics/MapServer/2"); var query:Query = new Query(); query.geometry = map.extent; query.outSpatialReference = map.spatialReference; query.returnGeometry = true; query.outFields = [ "ID_" ]; queryTask.execute(query, new AsyncResponder(onVAExecute, onOverlayFault)); }
private function onVAExecute(featureSet:FeatureSet, token:Object = null):void { for each (var myGraphic:Graphic in featureSet.features) { myGraphic.symbol = mySymbol; myGraphicsLayer.add(myGraphic); } }