I'm trying to build a tool that extracts information from a feature layer attribute table that has a joined table and i'm trying extract certain fields into a DataGrid for the end user to see and use.
I'm using ArcGIS Server Workgroup and flash builder to build my flex application.
I'm stuck however on getting the attributes into the data grid. My Parcels Layer is a field base geodatabase called -Parcels-, and i've joined to a SQL table (sql server express) called -LinkedTable-
I'm adding the attributes to the data grid through code/action script (below) but i can't get the attributes into my data grid. The xml at the bottom is how i'm creating the datagrid.
If i were to switch layers and use one that does not have a table join I'm able to get this to work - however when the field is joined to a table i'm unable to figure out how to properly qualify the table field names...? Any ideas
arrayResults.addItem(graphic.attributes); //this takes the attributes from the graphic, but the datagrid datafield isn't connecting with Parcels.ARN
//arrayResults.addItem(graphic.id.toString()); //this forces the text into the data grid - band aid solution and a round about way
<mx:DataGrid id="resultsGrid"
width="100%" height="170" top="25" fontSize="9" allowMultipleSelection="true" >
<mx:DataGridColumn dataField="Parcels.ARN" headerText="Roll Number" />
<mx:DataGridColumn dataField="LinkedTable.dbo.ASYST_NamesTable_PrimaryOnly.FullName" headerText="Name" wordWrap="true" />
<mx:DataGridColumn dataField="LinkedTable.dbo.ASYST_NamesTable_PrimaryOnly.ASYSTcivic" headerText="Asyst Civic A." visible="false" id="cadd" />
<mx:DataGridColumn dataField="LinkedTable.dbo.ASYST_NamesTable_PrimaryOnly.FullMailingLabel" headerText="Mailing Address" wordWrap="true"/>
<mx:DataGridColumn dataField="LinkedTable.dbo.ASYST_NamesTable_PrimaryOnly.HomePhone" headerText="Home Phone" wordWrap="true" visible="true"/>