Matt, I use the mapClickHandler within the Map and an extent from the mapPoint of the click to increase the sensitivity. I adjust the additional numbers that I add to the extent based on the type of map, data and scales that I am working with. I then use selectionComplete within the feature layer to show the infowindow. <esri:Map id="myMap"
private function myMap_mapClickHandler(event:MapMouseEvent):void
// set the selection query based on the click
var vPt:MapPoint = event.mapPoint;
mapClickPoint = event.mapPoint;
var vX:Number = vPt.x;
var vY:Number = vPt.y;
var vExtent:Extent = new Extent(vX - 20, vY - 20,vX + 20, vY + 20);
queryMapClick.geometry = vExtent;