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�?�PNG8 �??A lossless, 8-bit color, image format that uses an indexed color palette and an alpha table. Each pixel stores a value (0�??255) that is used to look up the color in the color-palette and the transparency in the alpha table. 8-bit PNGs are similar to GIF images and enjoy the best support for transparent background by most Web browsers.
�?�PNG24 �??A lossless, three-channel image format that supports large color variations (16 million colors) and has limited support for transparency. Each pixel contains three 8-bit color channels and the file header contains the single color that represents the transparent background. The color representing the transparent background color can be set in ArcMap. Versions of Internet Explorer less than version 7 do not support this type of transparency. Caches using PNG24 are significantly larger than those using PNG8 or JPEG and will take more disk space and require greater bandwidth to serve clients.
�?�PNG32 �??A lossless, four-channel image format that supports large color variations (16 million colors) and transparency. Each pixel contains three 8-bit color channels and one 8-bit alpha channel that represents the level of transparency for each pixel. While the PNG32 format allows for partially transparent pixels in the range from 0 to 255, the ArcGIS Server cache generation tool only writes fully transparent (0) or fully opaque (255) values in the transparency channel. Caches using PNG32 are significantly larger than the other supported formats and will take more disk space and require greater bandwidth to serve clients.
�?�JPEG �??A lossy, three-channel image format that supports large color variations (16 million colors) but does not support transparency. Each pixel contains three 8-bit color channels. Caches using JPEG provide control over output quality and size.
�?�MIXED �??Creates PNG 32 anywhere that transparency is detected (in other words, anywhere that the data frame background is visible). Creates JPEG for the remaining tiles. This keeps the average file size down while providing you with a clean overlay on top of other caches.