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Coercion Error from geo Processor submitJob

05-24-2011 02:59 AM
New Contributor III

I am creating a widget in Flex 2.3.1 similar to the drivetimes example. The service I have to use only supports the Submit Job operation, its required parameters are :
Parameter: Input_Location Data Type: GPFeatureRecordSetLayer
Parameter: Drive_Distances__Miles_  Data Type: GPString.

I have created the following params object
        var params:Object = 
         "Input_Location": featureSet,
  "Drive_Distances__Miles_": driveTimes

where featureSet is a FeatureSet containing a Graphic and driveTimes is a String eg. "1 3 5".

I don't have any compile errors or any indication that anything is wrong, but when I click on the map and create the point once geoPro.submitJob(params) is called I get multiple Error #1034 Type Coercion failed messages:

cannot convert Object@2060b791 to flash.geom.Transform
cannot convert Object@2060f8a9 to
cannot convert Object@2060b881 to com.esri.ags.symols.Symbol

Thanks for ANY help.
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10 Replies
New Contributor III
After all that it turned out that there was an error with the models in the service when it was moved from one vm to the next. Thanks for the help anyway 😄
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