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'barebones map'

04-01-2012 01:27 PM
Emerging Contributor
So I am just starting to work with the ArcGIS API for Flex, and would like some help creating the most basic map possible.  I can then build from that and add more features.

More specifically, I would like the map to load an array of data points (I will supply the data!) based on latitude and longitude.

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4 Replies
MVP Emeritus
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Emerging Contributor

Thank you for your reply.  I did look through the samples.  Many seemed to have additional features that were specific to the sample.  I was just looking for something more simple, and I will keep looking.

Thanks again.
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Honored Contributor
I don't think you can get much more barebones than the samples (not the code gallery) that are presented in the resources center.  The challenge is to combine them into something more useful. If you have already downloaded the API (and you probably have) every one of those samples is included in the API download.  When I was getting started, the first thing I did was start referencing my own services.  The 2nd thing was to use the sample under Mapping > Map Extent and Mouse Coordinates because it helped me change the samples to focus the map extent over my state. 

There a few other samples under the Concepts tab that were also useful to me.
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Deactivated User
have a symbol declared
loop through your array, use the coords to create map ponits (
use the map point and symbol you declared to create a graphic.
add that graphic to your graphics layer
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