Hi Dan,
I am very new to ARCGIS, working on a trail product. I dont work in this field of chart production. But I need a solution to convert shapefiles old chart data to new Chart data on ENC format.
I have used those help guides but get ERROR everytime. I am not sure if the S-57 creation is just to load Shape .lyr files and export the to gbd file. That gives me error "Failed to execute (ExportGeodatabasetoS57)".
If i create New file geodatabase and try to "Add data+" the layers/shapefiles to the database and then try export this gbd even then there is "Error" window pop-up without any message.
I have now created a Product libraray with Import workspace from file "NAUTICAL_ENC_TEMPLATE_GX.XML" and assign Products <Nautical>--<ENC>...dont know how to go further.
I can send you a sample file .mxd or lyr if its OK. It would be great if you can convert the shapeiles to ENC so I can try that on ECDIS.
Thanks and appreciate your feedback.
Mayur Rane