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Tip – Create Groups for Sharing Maps and Apps in ArcGIS Online - BeerMap Group example

10-10-2016 12:37 PM
Frequent Contributor
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Groups are a powerful resource for ArcGIS users and user organizations. Groups can be made up of users from a common organization or perhaps a public group who all share a common interest. Creating Groups for use in ArcGIS Online can be somewhat tedious, however, it doesn’t have to be. Admin Tools for ArGIS Online has a set of tools that are specifically for the creation and management of groups and group properties. The following “how to” provides a quick look at how easy it is to create a group.

Start your instance of Admin Tools for ArcGIS – When the application was first provisioned from the ArcGIS Marketplace you may have bookmarked the lauch url, if not you can launch the app from – this is the url you will want to bookmark.

Once launched, you’ll be presented with the Tools homepage. Select the Group Tools icon or click on the text link to the left that reads Browse Group Tools. Complete and simple instructions to do this for yourself are found in this blog post #- good luck and enjoy!

About the Author
I'm @gletham I'm a Canadian, a geographer and have been involved in GIS since about 1993. You may know me as one of the creators of from Spatial Media, or as the marketing guy from Esri business partner, GEO Jobe. I love chocolate labs and baseball!