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Improvements to Support ArcGIS Online Administrators in Admin Tools V 1.0.13

03-23-2017 08:14 AM
Occasional Contributor II
1 0 418

We’re pleased to announce a recent update of our popular Admin Tools for ArcGIS Online – enter Admin Tools V 1.0.13! The latest version of Admin Tools (consistently a TOP app in the Esri ArcGIS Marketplace) gives the ArcGIS Administrator even more functionality and resources to perform their job even better.

Simply jump to the ArcGIS Marketplace and get Admin Tools (Free) or Admin Tools Pro for even more power in your toolbox!

New Features in Admin Tools V 1.0.13

  • Update Items Credits (Attribution) Update that Credits (Attribution) field of items
  • Update Items Description Append or replace text of item descriptions
  • Update Groups Description Append or replace text of group descriptions
  • An option to store settings on the Admin Tools server is now available on the Settings page under Settings Storage
  • Pro Update Web Maps Services URLs Can now update by item id (PRO)

Other Improvements & Enhancements

  • Export CSV Tools Now has a Select All/Deselect All checkbox on the field selection page
  • Update Web Maps Services URLs Now filters WebMaps first (PRO)
  • Import Items from JSON Now updates after creating item – importing JSON with owner other than yourself will update to new owner (PRO)

More details are provided in this official PR announcement

Admin Tools is available to planners, GIS administrators and other GIS professionals in local government,K-12 and Higher education, utilities, and facilities management and can be found in the ArcGIS marketplace (free, pro, and Portal versions). See

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About the Author
I'm @gletham I'm a Canadian, a geographer and have been involved in GIS since about 1993. You may know me as one of the creators of from Spatial Media, or as the marketing guy from Esri business partner, GEO Jobe. I love chocolate labs and baseball!