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How to Change ArcGIS Web Map Service URLs From HTTP to HTTPS

04-04-2017 09:46 AM
Occasional Contributor II
2 0 1,100

Hyper Text Transfer Protocol Secure (HTTPS) is the secure version of HTTP, the protocol over which data is sent between your browser and the website that you are connected to. The ‘S’ at the end of HTTPS stands for ‘Secure’. It means all communications between your browser and the website are encrypted. Admin Tools Pro enables users to change Web Map Service URLs and this KBase tip explains more.

The following is a workflow that requires the Admin Tools Pro version to change Web Map Service URLs:

  1. In the Items category, under the Update section, select the “Find and Replace Web Maps Services URLs” tool.
  2. In the “Find” text box, enter “http:” (make sure to include the colon, to avoid false-flagging the “http” in https).
  3. In the “Replace With” text box, enter “https:” (again, making sure to include the colon).
  4. Click the Next button and select any items you wish to update.
  5. Again, click the Next  button, confirm that your selections are correct and press the Done button.
  6. Your Web Map Service URLs should now be updated to be https.

Tip: use the same work flow to change https to http.

This Tip is archived in our Knowledge Base.

The GEO Jobe Knowledge Base is a public, community resource where users and those interested in GEO Jobe’s enterprise solutions, particularly Admin Tools for ArcGIS Online and the geo powered cloud solution, can access help resources, answers to frequently asked questions, articles, support documents, and more via a friendly, easy to use, helpful web site.

See also this blog post from the MapThis blog

About the Author
I'm @gletham I'm a Canadian, a geographer and have been involved in GIS since about 1993. You may know me as one of the creators of from Spatial Media, or as the marketing guy from Esri business partner, GEO Jobe. I love chocolate labs and baseball!