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Z-value points into 3d polyline (ArcScene)

02-14-2014 05:15 AM
Deactivated User
I am trying to figure out how to make a polyline from points in the z-direction. I am trying to connect the black points together, blue points together, etc.

I thought I could perform this function using ArcToolbox -> Data Management Tools -> Features -> Points to Line
Line Field: "Each feature in the output will be based on unique values in the Line Field"
Sort Field: "By default, points used to create each output line feature will be used in the order they are found, If a different order is desired, specify a Sort Field.

I tried various combinations of the Line and Sort field based on my attribute table as following.
Field1: Arbitrary Number (Number assigned to the points when collected in the field)
Field2: X-coordinate
Field3: Y-coordinate
Field4: Z-coordinate
Field5: Tag (for the feature that was recorded in the field, blue points are all water surface, etc.)

These are some of the results that I got.  I just want the points to be connected in the z-field.  Any suggestions?
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