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X3D export

04-06-2016 11:57 AM
Deactivated User

The X3D format is the successor to the VRML format for 3d content, for more than a decade. The format is well supported both offline and online with free and commercial viewers, and is still used in a wide cross-section of industry, government and personal environments. See for a good introduction and overview. X3D also has built-in geospatial support.

ArcScene with 3d Analyst offers VRML scene export for many years. Is it time to update the aging export function to use X3D (perhaps while also fixing bugs) ?

ESRI recommends using its own web scene format for CityEngine and offers a nice, optimized 3d web viewer for it. While it is great to have a fully integrated solution for easy consumption, there is a significant customer base who wants to takes this a step further and use the exported scene as data or as a sub-component in another system. X3D is a good option for that.

Thoughts ? Is there a ArcScene bug in this regard ? Would you benefit from X3D export ?

Any feedback appreciated.

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3 Replies
Deactivated User

>2000 views and no comments ?

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Esri Contributor

Hi Andreas,

If you haven't already done so, I would recommend posting this as an idea on the ArcGIS Ideas site: 

The user community vote on ideas posted to ArcGIS Idea's and the popular ones are considered by Esri for implementation

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Deactivated User

Hi Jack,

good idea ! Vote for X3D export here: 

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